Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Efforts Making a Difference

In a recent report the BLM received over 7,000 comments on the Environmental Assessment and proposed gather in the Calico Complex in northern Nevada.  This is an extraordinary event as the BLM normally only gets a handful of comments on any action.  The most usually come when they propose to sell off land or transfer it.  This means we are finally getting the public interested and we need to keep it up. 

Many had some hard questions for the BLM, but the hardest wasn't asked by the reporter or other blogs.  That one is why the heck was this gather scheduled long before the public comments were being accepted?  Why have the contracts been signed for it before the public comment period ended?  To me this alone speaks volumes about the BLM's plans for the wild horses.  They plan to take them no matter what anyone says.  Not only has this administration not changed policies at the BLM, but it seems efforts have been stepped up. 

The article also says that the BLM plans on removing 30,000 wild horses over the next 3 years.  When one considers that the BLM claims that the range is only home to 30,000 by their own count how many does this leave in the wild?  Those that do remain are being aggressively treated with PZP, an equine contraceptive.  This will prevent any herd growth and eventually will lead to the extinction of wild horses on the range. 

A question asked by the reporter was about a census problem.  The BLM representative couldn't answer the question.  Theories abound and I have my own, but won't share at this time.  However, this isn't just a problem at Calico.  The American Herds blog covers the numbers in depth and is an eye opening read.  I happen to know that this isn't the first allotment that has seen these problems.  Makes one wonder what is REALLY going on.  Oh yeah, they are out to cause the extinction of the wild horses and burros. 

To support my last statement I cite the comment made by a BLM ecologist, named Cameron Bryce to reporter George Knapp who stated that wild horses and burros didn't deserve protection as the law was based on "emotion" and not reality.  You can also read a number of his comments to folks on Washington Watch.  There he says "I have killed some horses in my time" and a number of other inflammatory comments that shouldn't be made by an employee of the government about a law that governs how he does his job.  According to him advocates need to PROVE that the wild horses and burros deserve protecting.  By the way if you live anywhere other than the west your opinions don't count event though we pay his salary, own the land and the horses he talks about.  Personally I would like to see him fired and as his boss I have that right.  I suggest that those angered by his comments let Director Abbey know as I will.  It is obvious by the fact that this "person" is employed by the BLM what their attitude is toward our wild horses and burros.  Not that far off base to say that they are out to destroy them all for a variety of reasons.

The Cloud Foundation has sent out an alert and I suggest that everyone take their recommended actions.  In Defense of Animals has a convienent method of contacting lawmakers asking for a moratorium on wild horse gathers.  Their web form allows you to contact the President, your Representative and your Senators.  It gives you a sample, but customizable, comment. 

Anyway, we are on the right track with our efforts.  However, we are far from the victory we seek.  We need to pull together and take action if we want our wild horses preserved.  Even as I write this the BLM is moving toward putting the wild horses and burros in jeopardy.  If we wait to speak out they will be forever gone. 

1 comment:

  1. You are SO right! Get your comments in there, people! Time is short.
