Monday, December 7, 2009

Friday Radio Show

I hope that all advocates will join me, Shelley Sawhook, on Friday for a special interview by Suzanne Marcus-Fletcher on her show The Body Politic.  On her show today we talked about the issue of horse slaughter and that show is now available for download by going here.  You can view info on Suzanne on her website and the show on Friday the 11th on her show's page

Friday's show will concern the issue of the ROAM Act, the Salazoo Plan and our dwindling wild horse and burro populations.  Folks can call in with questions and comments during the show.  Please join us and lend your support on Friday at 1 pm PST, 2 pm Mountain, 3 pm CST and 4 pm EST. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

With all the busy schedules for tomorrow of cooking, eating and football watching, I want to take a few minutes to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and for those not celebrating this American tradition Happy Thursday!

I know that too often we forget the true meaning of Thanksgiving in the rush of every day life.  With all the cleaning for guests, cooking and traveling to be with family we need to remember what the day is all about. 

I know that with the recent decision to delay the Calico Gather advocates have something special to celebrate.  However, important this decision is, I truly hope that you have much more to celebrate this year.  If you are in your own home, be thankful you weren't one of the millions who lost it in the financial crisis.  If you aren't in your own home, be thankful that you and your family are alive and healthy to celebrate another year.  If you are suffering from the flu this year, be thankful that it is JUST the flu and that you aren't facing some other dreaded disease.  Things like that and on and on. 

I hope that everyone has something to be thankful for, family and friends to share it with and tons of good food to eat. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow advocates, friends and special people.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Efforts Making a Difference

In a recent report the BLM received over 7,000 comments on the Environmental Assessment and proposed gather in the Calico Complex in northern Nevada.  This is an extraordinary event as the BLM normally only gets a handful of comments on any action.  The most usually come when they propose to sell off land or transfer it.  This means we are finally getting the public interested and we need to keep it up. 

Many had some hard questions for the BLM, but the hardest wasn't asked by the reporter or other blogs.  That one is why the heck was this gather scheduled long before the public comments were being accepted?  Why have the contracts been signed for it before the public comment period ended?  To me this alone speaks volumes about the BLM's plans for the wild horses.  They plan to take them no matter what anyone says.  Not only has this administration not changed policies at the BLM, but it seems efforts have been stepped up. 

The article also says that the BLM plans on removing 30,000 wild horses over the next 3 years.  When one considers that the BLM claims that the range is only home to 30,000 by their own count how many does this leave in the wild?  Those that do remain are being aggressively treated with PZP, an equine contraceptive.  This will prevent any herd growth and eventually will lead to the extinction of wild horses on the range. 

A question asked by the reporter was about a census problem.  The BLM representative couldn't answer the question.  Theories abound and I have my own, but won't share at this time.  However, this isn't just a problem at Calico.  The American Herds blog covers the numbers in depth and is an eye opening read.  I happen to know that this isn't the first allotment that has seen these problems.  Makes one wonder what is REALLY going on.  Oh yeah, they are out to cause the extinction of the wild horses and burros. 

To support my last statement I cite the comment made by a BLM ecologist, named Cameron Bryce to reporter George Knapp who stated that wild horses and burros didn't deserve protection as the law was based on "emotion" and not reality.  You can also read a number of his comments to folks on Washington Watch.  There he says "I have killed some horses in my time" and a number of other inflammatory comments that shouldn't be made by an employee of the government about a law that governs how he does his job.  According to him advocates need to PROVE that the wild horses and burros deserve protecting.  By the way if you live anywhere other than the west your opinions don't count event though we pay his salary, own the land and the horses he talks about.  Personally I would like to see him fired and as his boss I have that right.  I suggest that those angered by his comments let Director Abbey know as I will.  It is obvious by the fact that this "person" is employed by the BLM what their attitude is toward our wild horses and burros.  Not that far off base to say that they are out to destroy them all for a variety of reasons.

The Cloud Foundation has sent out an alert and I suggest that everyone take their recommended actions.  In Defense of Animals has a convienent method of contacting lawmakers asking for a moratorium on wild horse gathers.  Their web form allows you to contact the President, your Representative and your Senators.  It gives you a sample, but customizable, comment. 

Anyway, we are on the right track with our efforts.  However, we are far from the victory we seek.  We need to pull together and take action if we want our wild horses preserved.  Even as I write this the BLM is moving toward putting the wild horses and burros in jeopardy.  If we wait to speak out they will be forever gone. 

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Are They REALLY Free-Roaming?

Over the last nearly decade I have done a great deal of research on the issue of wild horses and burros. Over the years I have become more and more irritated about what is happening with these majestic animals. But one thing I never was concerned about was that those on the range were at least wild and free. After reviewing a number of EAs and other BLM documents in the last year something has struck me. I have to ask the question are the horses and burros really wild and free or am I just fooling myself?

Before anyone goes off on me hear me out please.

How can they be free roaming when if they step a hoof over a certain invisible line they aren't free but suddenly considered estray and eligible for immediate gathering. In some states, especially Nevada, the state will even gather them when they ROAM to find food and/or water.  They aren't free roaming when their traditional ranges are fenced and cross-fenced. They are fenced off from their traditional water sources that they have used for hundreds of years.  Their free roaming abilities stopped short by various land usage.  They aren't free when their land is "transferred" to other agencies and they are removed to accomplish the other agency's objectives.  They aren't free when the land that was promised under the law is taken from them by the very agency and Secretary that is assigned to protect them.  They aren't free if they are kept from their family bands and forced into sterilization programs at the worst and into birth control programs at the least. When their families are shattered by the sounds of incoming helicopters and they face losing their young, their future, their traditions, their history and their knowledge through the loss of their elders.

No they are not human, they are better than that. These animals live in a complex social society where families recognize each other and where they care for their young long after they are weaned and the older animals stay with the family even when they are no longer breeding. And that society is destroyed each time a gather is done. It certainly suffers when they have to grieve the loss of members of their bands. Foals are ripped from their mothers, fathers and siblings long before they would leave if they were left alone. The older horses who teach the younger animals where to find water when there is a drought or where to find the tastiest grasses or where to go to survive a snowstorm are being removed leaving the herds in danger of suffering and death. Instead of enjoying them or studying them to fully understand their social structure our government wants to destroy them. They want to put them in "sanctuaries", which are nothing more than a glorified zoo. They want to destroy them, put them in abusive or improper homes at best or at worst send them to slaughter. They want to do something that we horse folks stop long ago, break them.

Then I think about how much these wild mustangs and burros mean to so many people. How they symbolize the freedom and majesty of this country. How they represent our country's very history. When people are asked what animal they would most like to be many say a mustang or an eagle because of the freedom, so like our own. This then leaves me asking what next? 

Elected officials don't listen when the average person asks for their help. Before and during the gather in the Pryor Mountains (Cloud's herd) the public made thousands of calls asking for Congress and the President to stop the gather.  Instead of an immediate response, there was a decided silence from those elected officials.  The BLM certainly doesn't listen. Over the years millions of comments have been made on behalf of the horses and burros.  There have been thousands of law suits filed on behalf of those who care about the horses, yet the BLM push through their agenda regardless.  The law of the land is ignored and those guilty of mistreating these animals or other illegal actions(Catoor convicted of gathering them illegally, BLM employees shooting horses, BLM employees selling wild horses to slaughter, BLM telling lies in reports, BLM employees changing scientific data to suit their own agenda, BLM employees conspiring with contractors and special interest and so much more)aren't punished but instead continue to draw a check from OUR tax dollars with impunity.  Advocates can't stop it because we don't have enough money to go to court and fight for years before we get a hollow victory. Even if we could go to court we are limited in what we can fight for and those limits allow the BLM to go on and on with their devious plans. People who care and do file court documents are forced to prove that they not only have visited the horses but that they would be personally injured by their loss, not just that knowing they are gone and that these are OUR horses we are injured. Not that the loss of these animals cause children to cry and ask why and we are forced to answer we don't know.

This is supposed to be a country of laws. However, it appears that some can ignore those laws. There is a LAW protecting these animals. There is a LAW that says that they are to be managed as minimally as possible. There is a LAW that says that they are supposed to be considered an integral part of the ecosystem. There is a LAW that only EXCESS horses are to be removed. Yet these laws are being broken every day at the BLM. We have court decisions that say that zeroing out horses is illegal as not EVERY horse can be considered excess, yet the BLM continues to do this. Nobody is being punished and nobody will be. Back in the 1990's several BLM employees were found to have been taking horses and selling them, some directly to slaughter. Instead of prosecuting them it was determined that it would be an adverse action to punish a few when so many within the agency are doing the same thing. They didn't even lose their jobs!!  Some like Suzie Stokke have even been promoted.

As the BLM continues to gather horses and burros at an accelerated pace, with more gathers beginning soon one has to ask are these horses and burros inappropriately named?  What does it really mean to be wild and free-roaming?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wild Horses and Washington

Wild Horses and Washington, DC- An Update

For Immediate Release
(Washington, DC) Save Our Wild Horses Coalition members Ms. Shelley Sawhook, president of the American Horse Defense Fund, and Ms. Cindy MacDonald, author of American Herds Blog, attended a week of meetings with various representatives, senators and their aides last week in Washington, DC. Their main goal was to present a Resolution calling for a moratorium on wild horse and burro gathers (i.e., wholesale removal from their federal lands); ask for an independent census of the horses and burros, both in the wild and within holding facilities, and; call for an investigation into the highly questionable policies, processes and practices of the Bureau of Land Management’s administration of the wild horse and burro program. In addition, they presented materials and information in support of the Resolution.

All materials presented by Sawhook and MacDonald will be made available on the Save Our Wild Horses (SOWH) website as well as their own various sites and blogs.

While in Washington, Sawhook and MacDonald met with senatorial aides to the various Energy and Natural Resources Committee and related sub-committee members. MacDonald also had the opportunity to meet with her own Senators, Reid and Ensign. Many issues relating to the issue of wild horses and burros were discussed and the SOWH Resolution was presented and discussed. During the meetings, Senate questions were addressed and a policy point paper and a paper detailing the pros and cons of the Salazar Plan (i.e., Secy. Of the Interior’s plan to remove wild horses from their traditional range and place them in non-breeding sanctuaries in the East) were provided as additional resource information to support the resolution and SOWH’s positions and to answer other questions.

In several meetings, SOWH representatives were told that the Obama Administration has asked for the implementation of the “Salazar Plan” to see if it might solve the wild horse and burro issues and give the new Secretary an opportunity to administer the program without intervention so early on in his administration. This presents a problem as SOWH is opposed to the implementation of the Salazar Plan as it is not in the best interest of wild horses and burros and would pervert the existing Act protecting the nation’s wild horses and burros, specifically, the plan remove horses from their recognized herd areas.

Notable among most aides were that they were unfamiliar with wild equine issues. Once informed, they sought the input of SOWH and of those who are most familiar with wild horses and burros on what is best for them. SOWH asks that everyone with such expertise contact the committee members and their staff (links and resources are on to provide much needed insight and guidance to assist the senators with bolstering the protections. An example of a common perception among many talked to on the Hill and among Americans was exemplified in a meeting with Senator Blanche Lincoln (D, AR). It was apparent that her office had not heard much from their constituents on the issue, stating she would likely defer to those from the western states where the mustangs and burros reside. That position fails to acknowledge that these symbols of America and our history and values belong to the American public, not just western states. SOWH calls for all Arkansans to contact Senator Lincoln’s office to voice their position on the wild horse and burro issue so that she can hear loud and clear that protection of these majestic animals are an important issue to them. Other offices that could benefit from hearing from their constituents are Senator Bob Corker (R, TN), Senator Robert Menendez (D, NJ), Senator Diane Feinstein (D, CA), Senator John Ensign (R, NV), Senator Jeff Bingaman (D, NM) and Senator Michael Bennett (D, CO).

For more information contact Shelley Sawhook email, phone 866-956-2433 address 1718 M St NW Unit 191 Washington, DC 20036.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

SOWH Resolution

The Concerned Citizens of the United States of America and Save Our Wild Horses

TITLE: Moratorium on Wild Horse and Burro Gathers and for a Congressional Investigation into the Management of the Bureau of Land Management’s Administration of the Wild and Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Program.

WHEREAS, we, the concerned citizens of the United States of America and the Save Our Wild Horses Coalition (SOWH), invoking the freedoms and rights conferred upon us as citizens, in order to preserve for ourselves and our descendants the rights and privilege of preserving our public lands and the wild horses and burros residing on them as well as the welfare of the equine being held within the holding pens of the Bureau of Land Management, a government agency, do hereby establish and submit the following resolution.

WHEREAS, the advocates and citizens that study, care for, observe and enjoy the national treasure known as the Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros have been doing so for over 40 years through a variety of organizations and groups with memberships that reach thousands of members nationwide; and

WHEREAS, these citizens have for many years spent countless man hours and funding, protecting and monitoring the nation’s wild horse and burro herds; and

WHEREAS, the 16 USC §1331, et seq. directs the protection of said Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros “as components of the public lands” and  that their management “shall be at the minimal feasible level”; the Secretary of the Department of the Interior and Secretary of Agriculture is responsible for their management and the Bureau of Land Management is the agency that manages the program under their direction; and

WHEREAS, various political co-sponsors have introduced legislation into the House of Representatives (HR 1018) and Senate (S 1579) that would further strengthen the protections of the Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros by instructing the Bureau of Land Management to determine the populations of the nation’s wild horses and burros and to work with the public in determining the Appropriate Management  Level and managing these equine primarily on the range where they were found at the passage of the Wild and Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act of 1971; and

WHEREAS, the Government Accountability Office has issued many decisions (1980, 1990, 1991, 2008) that the Bureau of Land Management  doesn’t use appropriate methods to determine Appropriate Management Levels and rangeland conditions; the Concerned Citizens and SOWH agree; The Bureau acknowledges they are unsure of the number of wild horses and burros on public lands and that they can only estimate these numbers; A complete, correct and independent census of equine is needed before any decisions can be made about management of the Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros or any actions taken; and

WHEREAS, the Bureau of Land Management has instituted an aggressive gather plan to remove as many wild horses and burros before any such legislation or proper census can be conducted (FY 2010 estimates the removals will equal 12,000 animals), The Bureau also failed to consult or communicate with any groups, organizations or members of the SOWH prior to taking these actions; and

WHEREAS, seventy percent or more of all wild and free-roaming horse and burro areas are managed below the generally accepted and scientifically based genetic viability which is in violation of the law which states Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros must be managed as “self-sustaining” herds on the lands where they were found at the time of passage of the law, and over 100 herds and over twenty million acres have been lost under the management of the Bureau; and

WHEREAS, in a civil suit filed against the Bureau, Civil Action 06-1609 (RMC), a federal judge has determined that the Bureau and the Secretary of the Interior has  acted “in excess of statutory jurisdiction, authority or limitations or short of statutory right” by completely removing herds from their range without justification or proof that they were “excess”; the Bureau is, as of October 2009, removing 12 herds and 1.6 million acres in the same way in defiance of the court decision; and

WHEREAS, the Bureau of Land Management’s Advisory Board for the Wild Horse and Burro program has taken a position in support of the Bureau’s  actions; The members of this Advisory Board do not represent the public or the advocacy organizations that are active in monitoring  or advocating for the wild horses and burros, instead they represent conflicting interests and most have sat there for several years despite having qualified nominations from those who have monitored, studied,  and advocate for the wild horses and burros; and

WHEREAS, the costs of the aggressive removals and the long-term holding of wild and free-roaming horses and burros have escalated and reached the point where they cover the majority of the budget for the agency, and these costs may not be appropriate, if the Bureau is not using appropriate methods of determining rangeland capacity and Appropriate Management Levels, and it is appropriate that there be a full investigation into the administration of the free-roaming horses and burros program; and

WHEREAS, the Concerned Citizens and the Save Our Wild Horses Coalition (SOWH), a member driven coalition of major wild horse and burro advocacy groups, requests the Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management cease and desist with all planned gathers with the exception of true emergencies and ask the Congress to investigate fully the management of the Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management’s administration of the Wild and Free-Roaming Horse and Burro program.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this group of Concerned Citizens and SOWH supports a Congressional Investigation into the management of wild horses and burros under the Department of Interior and the Bureau of Land Management; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this group of Concerned Citizens and SOWH asks for Congress to direct the Bureau of Land Management to cease and desist with all proposed gathers/roundups, except those of a true emergency, until a complete and impartial census is done on the population of Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that these Concerned Citizens and SOWH calls on the Department of Interior and Congress to support our position by supporting legislation that would better protect the wild horses and burros, on their designated range as provided by law, such as HR 1018 and/or S 1579; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be the policy of SOWH until it is withdrawn or modified by subsequent resolution.

The foregoing resolution was adopted by the SOWH General Membership October 2009, with a quorum present.
Attested to: Shelley Sawhook, Chairperson of SOWH

Friday, October 9, 2009

The BLM's GRnad Plans for the Horses

The Bureau of Land Mangement, in response to Congress's demands for a plan for the wild horses, has unveiled their grand plan to Congress and the public.  Dept of the Interior Secretary Salazar announced in a phone-in media event that they would begin moving horses to seven privately (or possibly public) held ranches called "preserves".  The preserves would hold about 25000 animals.  This is their grand plan for protecting and preserving our wild horses for generations.  In addition the BLM will institute an aggressive program to use PZP, a controversial birth control, to the animals remaining on the range.  They are also planning on introducing gelding only herds to the range.  Some groups have applauded the program and see it as an answer to the wild horse and burro "problem".

Personally and professionally I have a BIG problem with the program as well as those that support it. 

First, the BLM claims this will protect the horses.  This isn't true as the non-breeding and non-viable herds would eventually die out as even any zoo realizes that a breeding program is necessary to continuing to supply animals for their future.  As a matter of fact, most zoos struggle to find adult animals to breed, but wait we would have the ones from the range to supplement them with right?  WRONG!  Remember they are going to aggressively administer PZP to the ones on the range.  This effectively will eliminate any and all foals.  Not to mention that all gelding herds will count as herds and they too will be non-reproducing.  Eventually all wild horses will be gone, forever eliminated by this grand plan.

Next, the BLM forgets their mandate to manage them on the range with as minimal amount of handling as possible,  Not to mention that during the debate on the 1971 Act it was discussed and decided that they didn't want the animals in a "zoo-like" setting.  What would these preserves be but a glorified zoo?  When removed from the wild these icons become not an animal in the wild but a caged animal.  The BLM says that the preserves can be a draw for eco-tourism.  What a crock!  If someone wants to see a penned mustang I have some, come pay me a visit and I bet it would be cheaper than going to the preserves to see them.  When removed from the wild they lose their innate wildness and their majestic uniqueness to be indistinguishable from a domestic horse unless you are training it or caring for it daily.  Going to see them in a preserve will be nothing more than watching horses fenced in and grazing.

The BLM also fails to recognize that the horses and burros are supposed to be managed as "self-sustaining".  This means REPRODUCING.  The plan they have to inject them all with PZP only helps one group that is paid to oversee the PZP program.  Which is why that group is in support of the plan.  BOO and HISS to them.  This group is already one of the largest and wealthiest groups in the world.  Why do they need to make money off the backs of these animals?  I guess to pay them those big salaries, while other groups struggle to pay the bills.  (Trust me I am having a hard time writing this as they are so big and wealthy that a war with them could end up closing down AHDF.  They have attacked and shut the doors to other orgs that have spoken out against them.  Not to mention that they employ people who I think of as friends.)

Did you know that the BLM has turned America into backyard breeders?  They have and this is how.  70% of the existing herds are below genetic viability and to introduce new blood into those herds they move horses around.  They don't pick the horses with the best survival skills or what improves them, but what looks the prettiest.  Some herds are now being managed for their "adoptability", this means how pretty they are and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  This is what backyard breeders do.  These herds should be self-sustaining, the key word here is self.  Not pick the pretty one and breed it just to be breeding. 

During the Pryor Mountain Roundup not to long ago they tried pairing horses.  They took mares and put them with younger stallions hoping that they would pair up and breed at some point after the PZP wore off.  The stallions they paired the mares to hadn't proven themselves to earn a mare.  This is how the breed continues when a stallion is strong enough to take a mare.  They just wanted to intervene with nature and take a pretty mare and put it with a pretty stud and hope for pretty babies.  This is what we call backyard breeding.  The goal wasn't to produce a foal that can survive, it wasn't to insure that any offspring would be hearty, it wasn't to improve the breed.  Shoot, it wasn't even to ensure that the mare would survive because if the stallion acts foolish, as young stallions do, the mare could parish as well.  Good job BLM!

Did you know that there are only about 2000 burros left in the wild?  They aren't all in the same place so forget genetic viability.  They are clinging onto their freedom and to survival, but they are losing out.

The BLM also fails to take into account that this has been tried before, it was called long-term holding.  This plan is nothing but a glorified long term holding facility.  They also tried a sanctuary once before and it was nothing but a money pit, so much so that they moved to long term holding facilities.  Now they want to go back to the first problem to solve the new one?  How stupid is that?  Not to mention that a while back the BLM was sending horses to a ranch in Nebraska called the Three Strikes Ranch and most of us know how that ended and it wasn't well. 

This plan also involves  huge cost to taxpayers.  It is estimated that it will cost about $96 million for 2 sanctuaries.  Most range plans show that if BLM simply implemented their plans to add water resources the range could support more horses more effectively.  The Pryor Mountain Range Plans show that 10 years ago it was noted that if they added 5 watering areas the range grazing would be evenly distributed.  To this day the BLM has added only 2 of those water sources.  In addition in other areas when volunteers have offered to provide the labor and supplies to water animals their offers have been rejected.  Most notably this was in the Clarke Mountain area where the burros were fenced off from their traditional watering hole to protect the desert tortoise, the local Boy Scout troop and others volunteered to provide the water by piping it to the burros.  Instead the BLM insisted that all the burros be removed.  I guess the taxpayer can foot the bill to water cattle, but not the native wildlife which includes the burros and horses.  I would personally donate to a plan to provide water on the range to prevent another senseless gather and I know many others would as well.  They can afford to turn down those types of offers, but they can afford millions to pen them to turn them into some side of the road attraction?   What about the fact that they aren't to be used commercially?

As a taxpayer this "plan" sucks, as a horse lover this plan sucks and as a person who really understands and loves the mustangs it sucks big time!

I will get off my soapbox now, although I still have lots more to say about this plan and will at some future date when I get done being sick to my stomach at the BLM plans and those that support it.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

239 Burros Captured

As if things aren't bad enough, the BLM just finished a removal just west of Death Valley.  The population of the wild burros is at a staggeringly low number already, just under 3000 nationwide, and the removal took 239 more from the range.  In 1974 the population of burros on the range was at around 14,000 on 54 HAs, but the BLM began a systematic removal process.  By 2000 the burros had lost over 4 million acres, or 45% of their range and 80% of their population.  The goal in 2000 was to acheive a population of 2750 by 2005, but they have gone further than even that plan.  This latest removal is part of the BLM plan to reduce the burro numbers to a few herds and a population of 2000. 

Then one must look at what happened during the removal.  While the media was onsite the BLM contractor flew the helicopter VERY close to the burros.  In fact according to the contractor and BLM the helicopter may have even touched the burro to "nudge" it. 

Photo by Kurt Miller -Wild Burro Roundup 9-28-09

It is possible that this happened at least twice.  A few years ago the BLM used to put the procedures for rounding up horses and burros into the EA.  These procedures stated that at no time should a helicopter press the animals until they are getting close to the trap.  It also states that the helicopter should not press females with babies.  Not to mention does anyone remember the whole helicopter crash at the Roosevelt National Park when the pilot decided to use the skids to close a gate behind horses?  It simply isn't safe to "nudge" any animal with the skids, not for the animal, not for the pilot and not for the ground crew.  How stupid can they be?  Of course nobody accused them of being smart.

One thing that advocates may notice is that the BLM is constantly trying to get the horse population down to the size that it was in 1971/1974 when the animals were in danger of becoming extinct.  Now they are claiming that those numbers aren't good enough for the burros and that they must be at a LOWER population than in the 1974 census.  It is impossible to know how many horses or burros there were in 1971.  There was an estimate, but later the "experts" admitted that the number estimated may have been well below the number actually on the range.  Funny how the same issues haunt the BLM.  They couldn't tell us how many were on the range then or now.  They withdraw lands from the program without authority, except the one they have given themselves.  They say they are taking the public's comments, but sign decisions within hours or days of the end of the commenting period so there is no way they reviewed, let alone considered, them.  They put thousands of horses into holding facilities at a cost of millions a year and round up more to put there.  The cost of the removals is about $7000 per horse. 

The sad thing is that the animals are paying the price for the absolute fiasco.

It is past time for the Congress to demand a complete investigation into the BLM's administration of the wild horse and burro program.  It is past time for the ROAM Act to pass Congress.  We need everyone to call their Senators and ask for an investigation and a moratorium on removals and withdrawal of any land from the program until that happens.  While calling you should ask your Senators for an INDEPENDENT census of the wild horses and burros and for their support of the passage of the ROAM Act HR 1018/S 1579.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

See "The Forgotten"

See our new video at

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Public Comments Needed

The Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board is accepting public comments for its hearing on Sept. 28th.  Comments can be emailed to "Ramona DeLorme" .  All comments need to state that they are for the Advisory Board meeting.  Deadline for comments is Sept 25th.  Samples of comments being submitted can be found on the Save Our Wild Horses website.

Gathers are planned in Idaho starting Oct 6-13th.  The herds concerned are the Sand's Basin and Four Mile herds.  They will be removing approximately 206 horses.  Once they have done that they will be returning only horses to meet with the AMLs.  Sand's Basin only allows for 37-60 and Four Mile allows 33-64.  As we all know this is not nearly enough for genetic viability.  No public attended the meting on the use of helicopters, so this is the method being used.  They have limited the appeals to 30 days after the decision which is dated 9-11-2009, meaning any appeals must be filed no later than Oct. 11th.
The decision can be viewed at

The BLM plans on gathering horses on the Tobin Range, which included the Sonoma Herd Area, starting October 22, 2009.  They will be gathering 450 horses, releasing 10 and removing 440.  Unfortunately, the comment period ended Friday.  The EA can be seen at  No "official" record of decision is available yet.  Total AML for the range is 22-42, well below genetic viability.  There are cattle on this range.

The BLM is accepting comments until Oct 13, 2009 on the Paisley HMA.  If approved this would be a 10 year plan, meaning they would be able to continue with their plans for 10 years without public input. The plan calls for an AML of 60 and only returning 6-10 year olds.  The BLM is considering two options.  Option one would administer PZP.  The plan would return 30 studs and 30 mares, with 15-30 mares treated with PZP.  Option two would adjust sex ratio and geld.  This plan would return 20 studs, 20 geldings and 20 mares.  ALL plans put the horses below genetic viability and would decimate the herds eventually.  Basically they are making it a non-breeding herd.  Public comments are desperately needed!!

You may also want to read the decision of record for Beauty Buttes.  It is virtually the same and included the above plan.  The last date to challenge this decision is October 2, 2009.  Notice that they are now limiting appeals! 

The Bureau of Land Management’s Wyoming State Office will host the annual statewide hearing on the use of motorized vehicles in wild horse management operations on Thursday, Oct. 1, at 6:30 - 8 p.m.

The hearing will be held at BLM's Wyoming State Office, 5353 Yellowstone, Cheyenne, Wyo. Comments made during the formal public hearing will be recorded.

Various types of motorized vehicles (trucks, helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft) are used routinely in conducting wild horse management for population inventories, habitat & population monitoring, removal operations, and transporting horses to adoptions and holding facilities. BLM plans to use helicopters to help gather wild, free roaming horses from the public lands in the Cody, Worland, and Lander Field Office jurisdictions in 2009.

Last year no public attended this hearing!

The Wyoming office of the BLM is accepting comments for the Red Desert Complex (Lost Creek, Stewart Creek, Green Mountain, Crook Mountain and Antelope Hills) to remove 468 horses + 225 foals (only about 10% foals will be returned).  The plan also included the use of PZP.  The comment period ends Oct 1, 2009.
Under the EA they will be taking several herds below genetic viability including Lost Creek Antelope Hills and Crooks Mountain with AMLs set at around 60 horses.  Stewart Creek will be taken down to 125 horses, which is also below genetic viability, but it is not as grossly low as the others.  Only Green Mountain would remain above viability levels at 170.  While the numbers of horses at Lost Creek, Antelope Hills and Crooks Mountain are below viability the BLM states that these herds can interact which would allow them to maintain viability, but fencing questions should be addressed which limit their interactions and would affect their viability.  Horses over the age of 10 would be removed and since there is no adoption market for these horses they would go to long-term holding according to the EA, but it doesn't mention the Sale Authority or the new euthanasia policy.  Combined together this basically is the same as signing their death warrant.  The do mention that some horses may be subject to immediate euthanasia if they are "un-thrifty", below a 2 on the Heineke scale or injured.
Each mare released back onto the range would receive PZP.  They will be using helicopters to do the roundup as trapping has been eliminated from consideration.  Several springs have recently been fenced to prevent use by horses and those that have not been are not reliable.  Most other water sources available for the horses are only during the summer months.  One well, Eagle's Nest, has been outfitted with solar panels and provides water during the summer.  This was completed 2 years ago and the horses don't seem to favor that supply.  Elk and moose are on the range year round and compete with the horses.  The elk population is noted to benefit from hunting.
The EA seems to be setting it up for a reduction in AML based on pending EISs being developed for energy projects.  These projects include oil and gas, uranium and wind and the "difficulty of reclamation".

 If you would like to be a part of the team that helps gather this info to get out to the public please fill out our survey and be sure to say yes on the form to volunteering.  We need help monitoring these gathers and proposed changes to the range including EAs and grazing changes.  Until now it has been up to each individual group to keep up with these things and too many times one or more fall through the cracks, but together we can ensure that each herd is monitored and none of them fall through the cracks again. 

Friday, September 18, 2009


These are just a few of the positions that we need filling. Most folks are trying to do all these things and it is more than a full time job. If we share the duties we can be more effective with our time and efforts and not duplicating efforts. Once we band together we are a force that cannot be ignored and we may actually be able to make a Difference.
If you are interested in help with any of the following or if you have any questions , please let me know at
1. Marketing- Finding corporate sponsors for Public Service Announcements (PSA) for the coalition
2. Monitoring a specific herd- (Environmental Assessments (EA), Range Management Plans (RMP) notifying the group about actions needed, Possibly acting as humane observer)
3. Research- providing research for the group for responding to public Comments, legal cases, information on grazing, whatever is needed
4. Technical writer- taking research and putting it into a format that the Group can use to respond to public comments, etc.
5. Calendar Manager- ensuring that events (such as adoptions, removals, Etc.) are on the calendar, may also organize events such as Demonstrations, education, booths at events
6. Writer- write educational articles for the website and writing alerts for the groups to send to their members
7. Legislative leader- organizing lobbying events, call in days, keeping The group informed on the bills and what is going on with them